Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Charlie is a little boy and he is very poor. He lives with his four grandparents and his parents. Charlie hopes to get a Golden Ticket because it will give him access to a lifetime supply of sweets from the Wonka Chocolate Factory. Four very spoiled children find the first Golden Tickets. One day Charlie comes home from school and finds some money with wich he buys two chocolate bars. In one of them, to his great surprise, he finds a Golden Ticket. Charlie gets to go to the Willy Wonka Factory with the other four winners to claim his prize. Here, he has a lot of adventures with candies, chocolate, elfs... and he remains the only one in the Chocolate Factory. Mr. Wonka says that he is the winner and says that Charlie is the new owner of the factory.!!!!


Blogger stefanoIST said...

Great Work! Excellent grammar! I've also read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I liked it. You should try reading Charlie and the Great Glass Elevetor.

5:54 AM  
Blogger Pietro M said...

The writing was good but maybe the next time choose a book for grade 8. You made a great synopsis

6:35 AM  

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