Friday, February 09, 2007

THE BARCOLANA: (Historical entry.).
The Barcolana is a very important event that happens in Trieste every year. The Barcolana is a sailing race and usually the bigger your boat is the faster you will go. The Barcolana was founded a lot of years ago by a gruop of friends and it was done evry year after that until now. There are two types of Barcolana's: the Barcolana Joung and the normal Barcolana. The Barcolana Joung is for the very little boats, only for optimists and it is a race for beginners, it is a race to see if you like sailing in the sea. I tried it when I was jounger and it was a fantastic experience! And then there is the normal Barcolana which is for all of the other types of boats. I partecipated even to this race and it is amazing how the bigger boats arrive hours and hours before the other boats, however, even this was a fantastic experience! But, I preffered the normal Barcolana because you are in a bigger boat and you go much more quicker than an optimist, and in a big boat you have always something to do! They are both two wonderful contests! The Barcolana is a very famous race and also very important boats partecipate to this race, like for example the Alpha Romeo, and many other important boats. They are two wonderful and fantastic contests, and like always, the best one wins!!!!


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