Friday, February 02, 2007

THE PROMESSI SPOSI: (italian entry).
In Italian class, we are studying Manzoni which was one of the best story writers in the world. He wrote a lot of stories, but one of his most important stories is The Promessi Sposi. For example The Promessi Sposi was written by him and the story talks about Renzo and Lucia which are in love. They want to marry but, Don Rodrigo doesn’t want because he is in love with Lucia. So, he sends two of his servants to convince the priest not to mary them. The preiest is afraid and says that he will not mary them. Then, Renzo discovers this and tries to stop Don Rodrigo, but since he is one of the rulers of that place he decides what he wants. Then another priest comes and helps them. Then, the story finishes when Renzo and Lucia mary and everyone is happy!!.


Blogger Francesca said...

Your entry is ok but there are few spelling mistakes and some parts are not very clear.

11:28 AM  

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